1. 本诗第七行的 “甜蜜”,指的是以钢琴弹奏的 “甜蜜变奏曲”。这首吴公子译名为 “终将甜蜜” (In The Sweet By And By) 的歌曲,是1867年由史丹佛•菲尔摩•班尼特 (Sanford Fillmore Bennett) 作词,约瑟夫•菲尔布利克•韦伯斯特 (Joseph Philbrick Webster) 作曲的一首赞美诗 (Christian hymn)。
“There’s a land that is fairer than day,
And by faith we can see it afar;
For the Father waits over the way
To prepare us a dwelling place there.
In the sweet by and by,
We shall meet on that beautiful shore;
In the sweet by and by,
We shall meet on that beautiful shore.”
2. 吴公子幼时唱过,弘一大师李叔同以 “终将甜蜜”(In The Sweet By And By)的曲子填词的《秋柳》,其词为:
“堤边柳,到秋天,叶乱飘;叶落尽,只剩得,细枝条。想当日,绿荫荫,春光好;今日里,冷清清,秋色老。 风凄凄,雨凄凄,君不见,眼前景,已全非?眼前景,已全非,一思量,一回首,不胜悲!”