1. 位于德州达拉斯的麦肯尼市(McKinney)的新建社区Adriatica Village(亚德里亚蒂卡村落)印发的介绍册上写着:“Adriatica is a village-based community unlike any other in America. The philosophy behind this idea has become known as Neoretroism. The goal of this effort is to create a community that in a relatively short period of time, replicate villages that have taken centuries to develop. Constructed of stone in a Romanesque architectural style, all of the structures in Adriatica are uniquely designed to replicate the old-world fishing harbor village of Supetar, Croatia. …… From the architecture of the buildings and the cobblestone streets, to the authentic bell tower, secluded island chapel, and unique shops and flats, ……”
2. 吴公子于2014年11月9日(11月7日为立冬)来到正在兴建中,名为“亚德里亚蒂卡村落 ”的社区,见到其圆环的水池中,有叼着橄榄枝的鸽子伏于巨石上的石雕,其下的石碑刻着:“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. Do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27”