1. 本诗第一行的“波克中学”,指位于德州卡罗顿(Carrollton)的泰德•波克中学(Ted Polk Middle School),其E126艺术教室的门上贴着三则引言。本诗第二、三行为引自西班牙画家Pablo Picasso的 All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.本诗第四、五行为引自法国画家Edgar Degas的Painting is easy for those that do not know how, but very difficult for those that do! 本诗第六、七行为引自美国雕塑家Louise Nevelson的Art is everywhere, except it has to pass through a creative mind.
2. 这间艺术教室的门上除了三则引言,还贴着教师自制的Proud to teach amazing kids!(教导非比寻常之学子为余之荣幸!)