欧亨利 (O. Henry,1862-1910) ,为美国的短篇小说作家,擅长以小说描述生活,并常有令人惊讶的结尾。他的《十月与六月》(October and June) 共有901字,分为20段。其中的5段,及吴公子的中文翻译如下:
第1段 (部份):
“上尉无精打采地望着挂在墙上的军刀,他那褪了色,被气候及役期污渍、磨损的军服放在身旁的衣橱里。”(The Captain gazed gloomily at his sword that hung upon the wall. In the closet near by was stored his faded uniform, stained and worn by weather and service.)
第2段 (部份):
“于国家多难之时出过力,如今已退役的他,竟退而臣服于一位女性的温柔的眸与含笑的唇。”(And now, veteran that he was of his country's strenuous times, he had been reduced to abject surrender by a woman's soft eyes and smiling lips.)
第14段 (部份):
“纵然我们的差别不像一月与五月,也如十月与六月初。”(While it isn't exactly January and May, it's a clear case of October and pretty early in June.)
第19段 (部份):
“没人能否认她的美,但是保守地估计,她也该有二十八岁了。”(Nobody can deny that she's a peach, but she must be twenty-eight, at the very kindest calculation.)
“你知道吗,上尉才十九岁,他的军刀只用过一次,接近战争──在美西战争的查塔努加游行。”(For you see, the Captain was only nineteen, and his sword had never been drawn except on the parade ground at Chattanooga, which was as near as he ever got to the Spanish-American War.)