4. 第三行的介绍牌写着15种分布于太平洋两岸的Taxodiaceae科树种:(1)Dawn Redwood (2)Chinese Fir (3)Chinese Swap Cypress (4)Taiwan Fir (5)Taiwania (6)Japanese Cedar (7)Umbrella Pine (8)King William Pine (9)Tasmanian Pencil Pine (10)Summit Cedar (11)Coast Redwood (12)Giant Sequoia (13)Montezuma Cypress (14)Pond Cypress (15)Bald Cypress。加州有其中的(11)海岸红木Coast Redwood及(12)巨大西科亚 Giant Sequoia,“米约树林”的树为海岸红木,“优胜美地”(Yosemite)有巨大西科亚,为红杉。
5. 第五行的介绍牌写着,美国建国两百年的树(Bicentennial Tree),此红木萌芽时,于大陆的对岸,一次革命将13殖民地形成为美国联邦共合国。(As this redwood tree began its life,across the continent,a revolution occurred which transformed 13 colonies into the United States of America.)
6. 第六行的介绍牌写着,1945年世界各国的代表,来到旧金山成立联合国(United Nations),代表们并于5月19日至“米约树林”缅怀一个月前逝世的小罗斯福总统(President Franklin Delano Roosevelt),他亦相信好的森林营运及自然资源的永续发展,为世界长久和平的基石。(He also believed that good forestry practices and sustainable development of natural resources were keystones to lasting peach around the world.)